Line-of-Sight Terminals (FAB-T)

Achieving information superiority requires assured, secure, universal and interoperable information exchange provided by the Global Information Grid (GIG). Networked communication and communications systems provide a competitive edge to commanders and military personnel. Boeing's Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals (FAB-T) provide the information exchange necessary to achieve information superiority.

The terminals in the first Increment will support the Advanced Extremely High Frequency (Advanced EHF) connectivity for the B-2, B-52 and RC-135 aircraft. The program also develops the replacements to the existing ground-fixed, ground transportable and airborne (E-4/E-6) Command Post Terminals and provides backward compatibility to the legacy MILSTAR EHF satellites.

The primary product of Increment 1 is an open system architecture that is extensible to future networked, broadband communications capabilities. FAB-T will provide joint forces with a programmable multi-mission capable family of terminals that maximize common components to interface with different satellites and enable information exchange among ground, air and space platforms.

Depending on platform requirements, future capabilities may include transmission and reception of voice, data, imagery and video as well as broadcast reception over protected and wideband SATCOM systems.
FAB-T Advantages

* FAB-T is a net-ready, interoperable communications system established upon industrial-based open interfaces and is designed to grow and expand as platforms change.
* FAB-T provides multiple channels to enable simultaneous links via various beyond line-of-sight capabilities.
* FAB-T is programmable and reconfigurable, allowing high-data-rate communications to be customized by the warfighter in the theater.
* FAB-T provides the framework for the highest data exchange rates available, providing communications on the move.
* The Boeing FAB-T team's extensive platform integration expertise provides strong, coherent and comprehensive implementation of FAB-T as an essential node on the network.

For more information, read the FAB-T (PDF) overview.

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