Ellie with Nature Spirits - upstate New York - November 1994

To 'talk telepathcally with nature spirits is to understand that they were created to help restore the balance of nature as humanity is bi-polar and in a constant state of destruction. The destrucrion of the exco-systems around the world - the Amazon ran forests - are just example.

There are those of us who love the gentle and compassionate frequencies of many nature spirits - working with them - or just being in their energies as we move towards the evolution of consciousness.

Nature Spirits are one way that allows human consciousness to connect beyond the physical and otherstand other realms.

Pan is the God of the nature spirits. He is half man and half goat. The nature spirits are for the most part composed of etheric matter. Their job is to build the plants. They channel the etheric forces they receive into physically constructing the particular plant patterns they are receiving from the devas. They are the physical workers who carry out the architectural blueprints. They express great joy and delight in their work. They vary in size from a fraction of an inch to elves who are three to four feet tall.

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